

Research project

RobotLAB is located at the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez’s (UAI) School of Communication and Journalism, Campus Viña del Mar, some two hours away from Chile’s capital Santiago. Our research has received financial support from the Chilean National Research and Development Agency (ANID, for its Spanish acronym), through a Fondecyt project of Initiation.

To answer empirical questions in human-robot relationships, we conduct studies in our lab, primary schools, daycare centers, and in homes. When a school or family decides to participate in our research, we request informed consent from parents/caregivers. Always, our focus will be on the interaction between the child and the robot and we aim to look at the broader picture, not focus on single cases.

“My new friend the social robot: Understanding grantings and determining conditions for beneficial interactions in a young sample”, is the title of the Fondecyt project of initiation awarded to academic director Carmina Rodríguez in November 2020 by the Chilean National Research and Development Agency (ANID, for its Spanish acronym).